Minesweepers robots contest/2016
The contest is traditionally held in the frames of robotics development and support "Armrobotics" program.
Minesweeper Robots contest is held by the Union of Information Technology Enterprises (UITE) of Armenia in cooperation with Ucom. The team composed of Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University and FimeTech Company won the Minesweeper Robots contest 2016, being awarded 600,000 AMD. Gyumri’s Android team came second, receiving an award in the amount of 400,000 AMD.
Digital Cloud team came third, being awarded 260,000 AMD.
Minesweepers team representing Vanadzor received encouraging award in the amount of 100,000 AMD.
Teams from Yerevan, Gyumri, Vanadzor, Vedi, Sisian, Goris, Talin and Artsakh took part in the contest. Nine of the teams included only pupils, two of them being comprised of students.
Before the final stage of the contest the participants had the consultings from the professionals and developed their projects. The details for the implementation of the projects were given by the organizers of the contest.